My Goals For The New Year

My Goals for 2018 | Chasing Cinderella

Happy 2019 y'all! I can't believe I just typed that! I shared my goals and resolutions for 2018 last year to help hold myself accountable, so I thought it would be a good idea to do it again this year! I didn't really accomplish all of my goals last year, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to set new ones this year! Like 2018, I have three main goals for the new year.

Save More, Spend Less. One of my main goals this year is to budget my spending! If you read my 2018 recap you know that Cab and I bought a house last month, so it's really time for me to get serious about my expenses and watch my spending! Adulting is not fun lol but it's got to be done!

Work out more consistently and watch what I eat.  I am going to be starting ClassPass next week, and I am actually super excited. The hardest part for me when working out is getting off the couch, so having classes that I sign up for/have to attend will make it a whole lot easier, and keep me accountable as well!

Be more intentional with my brand. Growing my readership/following is always a goal for me, not just in the new year! As all bloggers know, it's harder than it may seem to grow, especially on Instagram (I'm looking at you algorithm), so I want to really focus on my blog this year, and creating a community around it!

I want to thank all of you for following along on my blogging journey! It really means the world for me, and I hope to be a resource for you! Please let me know if you are hoping to see anything specific on the blog and/or Instagram in 2019!

Thanks so much for reading! xo


  1. I love the idea of sharing these for accountability! All three of these are on my list as well :) congrats on the new home and good luck with your goals!

  2. You nailed it! I'm totally with you on these goals.

  3. Love these goals, babe! I can't wait to follow along this year on your journey!

    xo Anna

  4. Love all these goals! Happy 2019 to you!

  5. I love these goals! I definitely want to save more and spend less too. :) Happy New Year!!!!!

  6. These are great goals! Budgeting saving is a great way to make it happen. Happy New Year!

  7. I'm totally with you on spending less!! These are great goals!

    xo, Hillary |
