First Trimester Q&A

First Trimester Pregnancy Questions

If you haven't heard the news.. WE'RE PREGNANT!! We are so so excited about the journey ahead of us and to bring a new life into this world! I asked my followers on Instagram if they had any pregnancy related questions for me, so I wanted to answer the most asked questions here!


When is your due date?
We're due January 2, 2021

Did you plan to get pregnant so soon after getting married?
Cab and I had been together 7.5 years prior to getting married (and have been living together the last 4ish years), so we knew that we were ready to have kids and wanted to relatively soon after getting married. I decided to stop taking my birth control towards the end of our honeymoon and we would just see how things went. SO, I like to say that we weren't NOT trying, but I wasn't tracking my ovulation or anything like that. We feel so blessed and fortunate that we were able to conceive so quickly and naturally! 

How did you find out you were pregnant?
This is not a very exciting story lol. I was at Publix the day after I was expecting to get my period, so I figured why not grab a pregnancy test. I went home and took the first one and the line was definitely there but a little faint, so I took the second one and it was definitely there! 

How did you tell Cab and your families?
Telling Cab: I made Cab a shirt that said BEER on the chest with an arrow pointing downwards. Then after he opened it, I unzipped my hoodie showing him that I was wearing a similar shirt, except it said BABY with the arrow. He didn't understand at first and it was kind of hilarious haha.

Telling My Family: Since we were in the middle of COVID when we found out, I knew it would be awhile until I was able to be with my family in person. So we literally just facetimed them the night we found out and told them. My sister already knew something was up before I even said anything. I have no poker face haha.

Telling Cab's Family: We made Cab's parents and sister each a wine glass with "Grandma/Grandpa/Auntie EST Jan 2021" on it and randomly surprised them each with one! They were all so surprised, it was so cute!

How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?
Woo the first trimester was rough for me! I was so so nausea and exhausted the entire time! The nausea started literally the day after I found out I was pregnant. I don't know if it was mental or what, but it didn't go away until about week 16. There were literally some days I did not get off the couch, it was so awful! The first couple weeks I was basically eating non-stop because it was the only thing that made me feel better. And it had to be thick foods like pasta, rice, crackers, etc! Then the last couple weeks of the first trimester I had no desire to eat at all! 

Will you find out the gender?
Nope, we're not going to be finding out the gender per Cab's request! I wanted to find out what we're having specifically so that I could do some shopping haha, but it IS going to be a very special surprise to wait until Baby B is born! 

Do you have any name ideas?
We have a few ideas, but we don't plan on sharing before baby is born. We are going to be keeping the CAB initials going though! 

Do you have any odd pregnancy cravings? 
I didn't have any specific cravings, but when I saw something, I NEEDED IT haha. Like if I saw someone eating Fruit Loops in a tv show, I would text Cab immediately and beg him to bring me some home!

Have you been staying active and eating healthy? 
I could barely get off the couch during the first trimester, so exercise was pretty much a no-go for me. Occasionally I was able to squeeze a quick walk in the morning before I started to feel bad, but that was very rare. And healthy eating wasn't a thing either since the only food that made me feel better was carbs carbs carbs! 

Have you gained much weight/notice any body changes?
It's difficult for me to answer how much weight I've gained due to pregnancy. Since we got pregnant not long after getting home from our honeymoon, I had already put on a few good amount of post-wedding pounds. But if we're going from my initial appointment to confirm pregnant at about 9 weeks, to the end of the first trimester, I gained about five pounds. I was surprised that I only gained five pounds since all I was eating is carbs and junk food haha. 

As far as body changes, I definitely was feeling uncomfortable in my skin! I was gaining visible weight in my waist (I call it my "flat tire" area) and it was making my pants not fit very well. Towards the end of the first trimester, my belly was starting to feel a bit harder- less like I was gaining fat and more like I was growing a baby! 

Thank you so much for all of the sweet words for our pregnancy. We are so very excited! If you have any specific pregnancy questions, feel free to leave a comment below, or message me on Instagram!

Thanks so much for reading! xo

1 comment:

  1. so exciting!!!! i can't wait for baby B to be here :)
